I love to colaborate with other people.
I love to cooperate with other artists.
And I do love when a different kind of art connect in some action.
So you can imagine how glad I was when I was invited to have my part in a nice project.
Everything is about connecting visual art and music.
In a small town in Slovenija called Kočevje (the same in which I was living some time ago), a few nice people gathered, decided to connect local musicians and make together a CD. Every band will introduce one song. But is not the end. Every band was supposed to invite one artist and aked him (or her) to make a visualization of the song. And one evening somwhere in the end of October, I was asked to make a picture for a band called FORŠUS (you can even like the band HERE:).
With pleasure I made some pictures for them inspired by the song titled Zadnja noč, which means The last night.
Although the picture below was made especially for them, at the end we decided for another one. Which one? For now it is surprise - I will tell you when the project will be ended.
All songs will be gathered in a CD compilation, and a booklet with all works and illustrations will be included. It will be also an exhibition and a concert in the end of December. I am not sure exactly when but don't worry - I will let you know.
Sedi v sobi
gleda v strop
in misli o sanjah
Ki sta jih imela
ki so odšle
ki so že zdavnaj
Zunaj je sonce
notri prijeten mrak
sama si
Ti si sanjala
ni nazaj poti
To je zadnja noc za naju dva
midva se bova zdaj razšla
konec konec je
to je zadnja noc za naju dva
midva se bova zdaj razšla
Svetloba izginja
postaja mrak
sence na zidu
Odsevi spominov
ki iščeš jih
ki upaš še vanje
Koraki v daljavo
upanje izginja
Besede ostale
uničile so vse