Friday, September 27, 2013

What Happens After What Was “Supposed To Be”

“Things didn’t work out because, well, greater things were in the works. It’s so difficult while we’re blind and hurting and don’t know which way is up. But, if you have faith in anything, have faith in the fact that the universe has a beautiful way of straightening things out far better than we ever could. You may not see it today or tomorrow, but you will look back in a few years and be absolutely perplexed and awed by how every little thing added up and brought you somewhere wonderful– or where you always wanted to be. You will be grateful that things didn’t work out the way you once wanted them to.
-What Happens After What Was “Supposed To Be”


  1. Res je tako. Žal nisva več sosedi, ampak v dobi sodobne tehnologije vseeno čutim, da sva povezani in se iskreno veselim Tvoje (Vajine) sreče. In otročiček, o, ljubi Bog, otročiček, to bo šele veselje! Vse dobro iz srca in upam, da se tudi poti še kdaj prekrižajo :)

    1. Biba, verjamem, da se bomo še srečali! ni samo enkrat!
      hvala za dobre besede! :-)

  2. Absolutely my favorite blog post here!
    Huuuugs! :*

  3. Marysiu, informuję, że ukradłam obrazek do siebie, ale podpisałam autora i źródło :)


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