Monday, September 23, 2013

Do It Yourself

Not so long ago I made a cleaning in my jewellery box. I found some pices which I like but I don't wear anymore. It was perfect ocassion to experiment and to change some old pieces into a new one:)
I made my own bracelet with a map of Ljubljana. 
It is really easy. All you need is some piece of jewellery you wish to change (I used quite big, wooden bracelet and earrings), a little bit of patience and:

What to do step by step:

  • cut map into smaller pieces (I use an old city map of Ljubljana- the one you can get in tourist information). 
  • with a brush apply glue on the surface of bracelet/earrings (I used non-toxic, all-purpose glue)
  • glue pieces of the map  to the bracelet
  • wait for glue to dry (I waited few hours to be sure it was completely dry)
  • with your brush apply transparent varnish on the surfece of your new jewellery (I applied 3 layers of the varnish)
  • wait that your new jewellery is dry
  • enjoy wearing it! :-)

Here is how it looks before:

And here after:


  1. Čudovito, moram poiskati kakšen star načrt Londona in ponoviti vajo :) Krasna zamisel!

    1. Biba in kaj več- je to tako enostavno in preprosto :-) srečno!


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