Oh, it's almost ten days sice I wrote last time...
Days are passing by so quickly lately. I have this strange feeing that it is some magical connction this year: December nearer the faster time passes.
In Slovenija they use to say: happy December.
I have already experieced this special "happines" of slovenian December two years ago while moving to Ljubjana in a winter time. Unfortunately t h a t time it was maybe too hard to believe in happines. Luckily now I can clearly see that this was just a part of my Way to The Real Happines. Now I find this past Decmeber as a real blessing!
All things are happening with a reason. Even if they are painful or if you are disappointed. But please believe - they have deep sense.
And a great blessing is when you are able to see that, probably not immediately, but after time.
I was not going to write about past December and unhappines which turn into the bigest happines... I just realised that this year December is coming so fast, and onece again it is bringing big changes, and New Happines in my life. I can not wait. I feel it will be really happy Decemer in Slovenija this year!!!
Ok. Now you will ask: And what to hell has all that unhappines turning into happines with european championship in basketball from the title of this post???
Answer is simple: if "happy December" two year ago wouldn't be unhappy, probably I would not watch this basketball championship in the best company ever*.
*best company ever = my Husband
My Dear Readers with this picture I've started a new series of fast drawings which you will see from time to time on this blog. The series I can titled "around the blue couch". But this is story for next time ;)