Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas greeting cards and a giveaway!

Dear Friend,

We are almost in December (a few more hours and we are there).
Thousands of lights will soon illuminate in the city centres and thousands of lights and emotions will fill our hearts. Beautiful time of the year. And this smell of hot wine with spices...and gingerbreads, and coffee with cinnamon, and... Christmas time is coming! New Year is coming!
For this ocassion I prepared for you two, brand new collections of "MiMi greeting cards".
One is very magical and colorful. One is simple and elegant. All of them made with great love.
For sure you will find your favourte which you wish to send to your beloved.

How to orderr MiMi greeting cards?
Just write emial on: in topic write: Mimi-greeting cards.
In email write which cards or which collection you wish and postal adress on which you wish to get your cards. I will write you back to confirm your order and send you details of bank account for payment.

1 greeting card = 2€
4 greeting cards (one collection) = 6€
postal costs depends on country and weight of your order

After great feedback on my FB I decided to make a little giveaway. If you wish to get a colletion of Mimi-Christmas cards, in a comment under this post write which of this two collections you choose and why. Share this post on your FB (if you don't have Facebook share it on your blog).
On the 15th of December I will randomly choose one of you. The happy winner will get collection of cards. I will sent them immediately so that you can use cards for this Christmas! :-)

update no2:
we already know who is the winner!
Our randomly choosen winner is EMILIA MAKARO!
Emilia, please send me your postal adress that I can send you the magical collection of MiMi-greeting cards:)

elegant collection: 


2.the star

3. rabbit


magical collection:

2. the star

 3. angel

4. winter forest


  1. Obe kolekciji sta čudoviti, a meni najljubša je druga - ta čarobna, ker me popelje nazaj v otroštvo, ko je bil predprazničen čas tako magičen, poln sladkega pričakovanja! :-)

  2. Definitivno čarobna, ki daje magičnost temu mesecu. :)

  3. Mene privlači magična kolekcija, zaradi svetlih luči na temnem zimskem nebu, s prisrčnimi bitji iz basni, ki so mi jih nekoč pripovedovali moji najdražji, ki so skrbeli zame, ko sem bil še majhen otrok. Wesołych Świąt! =)

  4. Druga, czyli magiczna kolekcja jest po prostu zachwycająca, przepiękna, bajkowa i z pozytywną energią :-) to właśnie ją chciałabym otrzymać :-)

  5. Druga kolekcja skradła moje serce :-)

  6. Jaka ładna winietka!
    Bardzo lubię takie autorskie świąteczne kartki. Najbardziej podoba mi się 4. Santa.

  7. Kako prisrčno Mariša :) Obe kolekciji sta krasni, ampak meni je magična bolj pri srcu - pisana, srečna, praznična.

  8. Wow, beautiful collection of Christmas wishes cards you've got here. Some look vintage. Totally love those images. Happy holidays!

  9. Obe kolekciji sta čudoviti in prav vsaka čestitka posebej lepa. Druga mi je mogoče še malo bolj čarobna, barvita...

  10. No pa da vidimo, kdo bo imel srečo s čarobnimi karticami? :)


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